Ladder League Competition (LLC) Spring
The primary goal below is to give all players the maximum number of games possible in a format that levels the playing field by using handicaps to make the outcome of any given game as fair as possible. Following is the new format and while we’ve done our best to get it right, we will adjust as needed to make improvements along the way.
1. All players will be assigned a handicap at the beginning of the LLC. Handicaps will be reviewed and adjusted on a biweekly basis using our newly patented and copyrighted SMBC Dynamic Universal Handicapping (DUH) system.
2. Ladder Co-ordinator will advise all players on Monday by email of their matchup for the week based on their position in the LLC rankings. It will be the players responsibility to contact one another to set up their game for that week. All players are strongly encouraged to avoid setting up games during regularly scheduled bowling days. Saturday from 9:30am on and Sunday from 10:30am on are
the best days to schedule LLC games, however, mutually agreed upon alternative times are acceptable (preferably outside of regularly scheduled games). Both players will be expected to report the outcome of their game to Peter by email prior to 6:00pm Sunday of the week the game is assigned.
3. Initial LLC positionings will be determined by blind draw. Winning players will move up, losing players will move down, and the amount of that move will be determined by the outcome of all games played. Any player who cannot commit to playing a game within the week it is
assigned will be considered a forfeit and will drop in the positionings while the other player will move up. In the event of a forfeit, both players will be expected to report to Peter by email. If both players are unable to set up a game within the assigned week, they will be expected to report such to Peter and their game will be considered postponed until the following week. A postponed game must be completed within the following week otherwise it will be considered a forfeit and both players will drop in the standings. Any disputes on a forfeit will be reviewed by VP & Tournament Chairman Chuck and his decision on the matter will be final.
4. Games will be 4 bowls, 14 ends. Players may agree to allow the winner of an end to hand set the Jack in a spot of his or her choosing. At the beginning of play, post the handicap to the appropriate player as provided with your assigned game. In the event of a tie, one additional end will be played to determine the winner.
5. The winners of the LLC will be determined by a single elimination playoff between the top 8 players. Date and exact format to be announced at a later date. Cash prizes will be awarded at our annual Holiday Brunch with $100 for first place, $50 for second and $25 for third. Please note: Dual Members are welcome to participate in the LLC, but will not be eligible to win cash prizes.
Keep Calm and Bowl On! (and trust us; we got this…)